Choosing the right vase

This bouquet is styled in the beautiful Alyssa Vase (82061390).

The bouquet was created by bloomingville’s stylist and can be put together by mixing the following 5 item numbers: 82061471 (palmflower), 82061520 (eucalyptus), 82061478 (poppy), 82061479 (chrysantemum), 82061472 (foxtail). 

The bouquet is just one example of how the stems can be put together – carefully curated by our stylist to ensure it exudes elegance and sophistication. Overall, the versatility of bouquets makes them perfect for a variety of markets, from the private home to interior design enthusiasts and event planners who want timeless beauty that lasts.

The perfect vase can really highlight a bouquet. Whether made of stoneware or glass, vases are available in a variety of color options to complement any floral arrangement. From vibrant hues to subtle tones, the right vase can enhance the beauty of flowers. Regardless of the design, the vase acts as a beautiful base that turns a simple bouquet into a stunning centerpiece.

A decor trend that lasts... Artificial flower stems are an eternal classic and with their grace and timelessness they are decorative wherever they are placed. An advantage of artificial flowers is that they can be placed in all types of vases – also in deco vases that can be made of a non-waterproof material.
